Cable front raise: exercise the front deltoid muscles

Cable Front Raise (Cable Front Raise), this exercise, like other front raises (dumbbell, barbell front raise), also targets the anterior deltoid muscles. In essence, it imitates the single-arm dumbbell front on a cable cable machine. Raise. Front raises with a cable puller can only lift small and medium weights, and are mostly used to outline the muscle lines of the front delts.

Target exercise area: Anterior deltoid >

Action essentials:

1. Hold the handle of the tensioner with one hand. With your back facing the tensioner, your hands hang down by your sides, palms facing back. Keep your body straight and your elbows slightly bent.

2. Raise your arms forward until your fist reaches eye level, and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat one set for enough times before switching to the other hand.


1. Use the whole body when lifting and falling Stay upright, keep your arms straight, and focus on the front deltoid muscles.

2. Control the waist during the movement to avoid injury

3. Lift the arm at a stable and slow speed, do not use force by swinging it vigorously.