Never use a blender to mix protein powder. Blenders turn the fat in the emulsified milk into suspended particles that are too small for digestion. Elsewhere, I have described how Gironda recommended a diet that included protein powder and instructed him Followers of using a blender to mix. (Con, I never asked Gironda about this.) Never use milk to mix protein powder because milk has Too many carbohydrates, and protein and carbohydrates are in conflict, because protein and carbohydrates use different digestive enzymes, protein is acidic, and carbohydrates are alkaline. You can use thick cheese mixed with protein powder and eggs, with Mix it with a tablespoon to form a thick pudding. This mixed food should be combined with 2-3 tablets of H.C.L to assist metabolism and digestion.
Blair, like Vince, has a unique personality. In fact, Blair specializes in nutrition and Vince specializes in training. They often discuss nutrition concepts. Blair is famous for his diet regimen, and he also advocates the use of cheese mixed with protein powder. .Who came up with it first? Vince or Blair , I really don’t know. All I know is that Larry Scott uses a lot of this great mix. I use protein powder mixed with eggs and thick cheese, and I’ve never tasted this delicious before. Of course, today, eating raw eggs may not be the best thing to do.
Blair was a chemist, and he was the first person I can think of who tested and experimented with different amino acid combinations. Blair developed unique whey protein powders, egg protein powders, and milk protein powders that were far better than the soybeans on the market back then. Protein powders are much more advanced. Also, when you look back at many of the great things in history, I bet you would think that whey protein powders were developed in recent years.
Vince strongly advocates for bodybuilders to use the high amounts of protein contained in his diet plan to ensure a daily intake of 200-300 grams of protein. He states that; excessive protein intake can cause a negative nitrogen balance, while positive nitrogen balance is the secret to anabolism and muscle growth. He states that protein intake varies from person to person and depends on your Age and training volume. Bodybuilders need more protein than office workers.
He also mentioned that within a period of time, take no more than 30 grams of protein per time. This is due to a lack of digestive enzymes in the body. , the body cannot utilize more protein and excretes excess protein. This view of his caused a great controversy that continues to this day. Many people completely disagreed with his view. The great Dave Draper strongly believed Consume more at one time, perhaps more than 30 grams of protein. Those who challenge Vince's point of view do not seem to take into account that Vince has said that "the amount of protein is flexible depending on body type, activity, sex, age, individual type, Height, Weight and Training Program". Outside of the equation, it's easy to see why the controversy is aroused. He suggests that no matter what, 10-15 calories per 100 calories should come from protein. This gets confusing.