How to eat fitness meal recipes in a day? This is how you should eat

In the process of fitness, you cannot always go to the gym. You must also have a correct diet, because diet will affect the effect of fitness. A correct diet makes it easier to achieve fitness goals. I believe there are still people who know how to eat fitness meals in a day. Got it. So, how to eat fitness meal recipes in a day? That’s how it’s supposed to be eaten. Let’s learn about the fitness meal recipes below.

Fitness meal recipes

How to eat fitness meal recipes in a day
1. First meal: Breakfast Since there is no food intake overnight, the body is in urgent need of calories, especially carbohydrates, to provide energy for the first few hours of work. Complex carbohydrates "burn" very slowly and can provide energy for a long time, making them a better choice. Of course, you also need protein to maintain the flow of amino acids in the blood, which helps prevent muscle catabolism. Breakfast should contain more than 50g of protein.

2. Second meal: 3 hours after lunch and breakfast is the time to eat again. This meal simply provides the body with a supply of energy and a flow of amino acids for the rest of the morning. Amino acids come from protein. It is recommended to choose chicken breast or high-protein powder for the protein in this meal. Eat some fruits to get carbohydrates and fiber.

3. The third meal: Lunch The focus of lunch is protein, which also includes complex carbohydrates and vegetables. Protein foods such as beef and salmon are good choices for building muscle. Not only do they provide high protein, but they also provide extra calories. The fats contained in fish are all healthy fats. As for carbohydrates, you can choose potatoes, rice or pasta, etc.

4. The fourth meal: The main purpose of this lunch meal is to ensure the flow of amino acids in the blood. This meal should be consumed at least one hour before exercising. During the muscle-building phase, you can choose a high-protein drink with some carbohydrates.

5. The fifth meal: This meal from lunch to dinner consists of two parts. The first is the drink consumed within 30 minutes after training. Whether you are building muscle or losing fat, you should consume simple carbohydrates to replenish the glycogen stores consumed during exercise.Prepare. The ideal way is to consume protein and carbohydrates in a 1:2 ratio. Xiao Liu here recommends consuming 30g of protein. You must ensure enough amino acids to rebuild muscles, but you must not slow down the absorption of carbohydrates due to excessive protein intake. The second part of the meal is taken one hour after the first small meal and consists of solid food. It should include complex carbohydrates (such as rice, potatoes) as well as high-quality protein (such as steak) and plenty of fresh vegetables.

6. Meal 6: Late-night snack The most important thing in this meal is protein. Don’t be dissatisfied with eating protein all day long. It is the most important part of building muscle! During this meal, you can choose to consume a small amount of protein to ensure amino acids at night. Be careful not to overload your stomach by eating too much! If you want to eat carbohydrates, you can eat them in small amounts!

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