Testosterone: Boost Your Love Hormone Naturally

The following simple strategies will give you a nutritional arsenal that will keep your testosterone levels peaked naturally, helping you stay lean while boosting your performance with the weights and the women.

Load Up on Potassium-Rich Foods
One out of every three men in the U.S. suffers from high blood pressure, which is bad for your heart and can impair blood flow, making it tougher to get and maintain an erection. Potassium can help. Studies show that guys getting more of the nutrient have a much easier time keeping their blood pressure levels within a healthy range. the best natural sources of potassium include spinach, potatoes, lima beans, squash, cantaloupe, tomatoes, bananas, peaches, kiwis and yogurt.

Reduce Your Salt Intake
Salt travels with water inside your body, so the more salt you eat, the more fluid leaves other regions to travel with it in your bloodstream. this increase in your blood’s volume spikes blood pressure levels—and weakens erections. to lower blood pressure naturally, aim for less than 2,300mg of sodium per day. if you already have high BP, keep this number below 1,500mg. Watch out for processed foods that add sodium as a preservative and be wary of soy sauce and ketchup. Additionally, watch your intake of cheese, which is surprisingly high in sodium.

If You Smoke, Stop
By giving up cigarettes, you’ll drastically improve your cardiovascular health. Blood circulation can improve in as little as a few weeks after quitting.

Sperm Support : The following nutrients will offer you some help outside the gym.

Vitamin E
This powerful antioxidant is sometimes necessary to convert vitamin B12 to its active form. it’s found in sunflower and canola oil; wheat germ; whole grains; and dark, leafy green vegetables. Your intake shouldn’t exceed 1,000mg per day.

Vitamin B12
Quality animal-based pro- teins like skinless poultry, lean beef, game meats, low-fat dairy, and eggs all offer this important vitamin—which has also been proven to help men with low sperm counts. take at least 2.4mcg per day.

Zinc & Vitamin C
A lack of vitamin C and zinc may cause sperm to clump together. Get 90mg of vitamin C per day from sources like citrus fruits, berries, and red bell peppers. For zinc, aim for 11mg per day from shellfish, dairy, cereals, red meat, poultry, beans, and cashews.

Eat to Sleep
Getting consistent sleep each night is crucial for weight management, hormone regulation, and recovery from exercise. When you sleep, your muscles rest and your blood pressure lowers to relax your heart and cardiovascular system. People who have problems maintaining normal sleep patterns may experience lowered testosterone levels and become slightly resistant to insulin. Encourage a restful sleep with these strategies:

Eat Foods Rich in Tryptophane
Tryptophan is an amino acid found in many animal- and plant-based proteins. Combining tryptophan- rich foods with carbohydrates signals insulin to tell your body to move amino acids into your muscles, freeing tryptophan to cross into your brain to produce serotonin—a neurotransmitter that creates a calming effect.

Limit Caffeine
Beverages like coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks can keep you wired for up to six hours. Stick to caffeinated beverages in the earlier half of the day— or consider giving them up entirely.

Avoid Large Meals Before Bed
Eating too much too close to bedtime can keep you awake. if you’re unusually ravenous around this time, add an afternoon snack like an ounce of raw almonds with a small piece of fruit.

Try Chamomile
Tea from the dried leaves of the chamomile flower acts as a mild sedative. try not to drink it too close to bedtime, though, to avoid frequent overnight bathroom trips.

Take Choline
Choline is a vitamin-like factor produced by the body in small amounts. it’s also a precursor to neurotransmitter that’s important for a variety of functions, including sleep. Sources include milk, peanuts, walnuts, kale, oranges, tomatoes, wheat germ, oat bran, Brussels sprouts, and eggs.

Testosterone and Metabolism

Being obese or overweight can actually decrease your fertility by causing hormonal imbalances. Taking time to plan your meals and exercise regimen in advance will support your body’s efforts to burn calories and keep your hormone levels under control. The following five tips will help you do just that:

Eat Breakfast Every Day
Your metabolism slows down while you’re asleep. Eating a healthy break- fast within an hour of waking will jump-start your body’s calorie- burning power and reduce the likelihood of bingeing at lunch.

Go No More than Four Hours Without Eating
Eating on a set schedule every few hours keeps your metabolism active. Approximately 10% of your total caloric intake is spent on digestion alone, and skipping meals may cause a drop in testosterone, so it pays to eat at similar intervals every day.

Eat at Least 1,000 Calories Every Day
To lose weight, you need to cut back on calories, but going too low will slow your metabolism, which can cause a drop in testosterone as your body goes into conservation mode to protect itself.

Balance Lifting and Cardio
Strength training is a good way to keep metabolism up, but aerobic training also produces an “after-burn” just like resistance work. While its metabolic effects don’t last as long as a session in the weight room, cardio is definitely worth the effort three to four times per week.

Eat Protein With Every Meal
Your body produces heat as you digest food, a response known as the thermal effect. Carbs, protein, and fat all contribute to this, but high-protein foods like poultry, fish, beans, nuts, and low- fat dairy give the best metabolic boost.