Basic shoulder exercise (deltoid muscle) - behind-the-neck press BasicshoulderexercisesbehindtheneckpressNote:Alway
30-second leg slimming exercise to make thighs slimmer 30secondlegslimmingexercisemakesthighsslimmerIfyou
[Chest chest pull-down with weight] Illustration of chest pull-down with weight ChestWeightPulldownIllustrationofthechestweightpul
Flying Saucer One Minute- Teach you how to build eight-pack abs in one minute Eightpackabsisnotadream,justfollowit:
Arm curls- suitable for strengthening various functions of the biceps brachii Armcurls:Suitableforstrengtheningvariousfunctions
Basic shoulder exercise (deltoid muscle) - flat pull in front of the tensioner Basicshoulderexerciseflatpullinfrontofthetensioner
Basic triceps exercise - supine flexion and extension BasictricepsexercisesupineflexionandextensionLieon