What are the ten best back training exercises?

We will find that many people in the gym are training their backs, and the back muscles are not as easy to train as the muscles in other places. Due to the large area of ​​back muscles, there are many benefits of back training. So there are many back muscle training exercises, so do you know what are the ten best back training exercises? Let’s go take a look below!

What are the ten best back training exercises

High Dropdown

This is probably the most popular Back action. This movement will stimulate most of the latissimus dorsi muscles and increase the width of the back. The eccentric, or ascending, phase of each movement also strongly stimulates the muscles and increases contraction time. This action has little effect on increasing back thickness.

Standing high press down

If the training is over If you practice this action regularly, you will definitely feel the force of the muscles, but the target area is too small. If you do not have comprehensive back development as a basis, this action will not have much effect on you. It will always just be an add-on, or an option for light weight moves, or you need to try some new moves to add a pump at the end.

Reverse-grip bent over row

This move is more popular because it targets the lower lats. Because its target area is relatively concentrated, it will not have a very significant effect on the overall improvement of the back. This is a very effective move for athletes looking for variety or for those who want to strengthen their lower back. This move is also suitable for those with shoulder or joint injuries. However, this movement targets a limited area and is not conducive to overall back development.

Seated Cable Row

The Seated Cable Row is a very important exercise. It ranks low because sitting negates activity in the main movements of the trunk (lower back, hips, and abs). Of course, it can stimulate your latissimus dorsi and rhombus to a certain extentmuscles, but it mainly stimulates your middle and lower trapezius muscles.

Dumbbell rowing

Compared with the barbell version, the arc of the action of the dumbbell rowing will be larger, and the elbows can be pulled further back, so it is more suitable for people on the back. The wider stimulation is better, and the dumbbell is an action that exerts force on both sides independently. If you use a barbell, the force on both sides may not be equal.

What are the ten best back training exercises

Upright Row< /strong>

In many upright row exercises, the back muscle contraction time is absolutely terrible. Upright rowing also stimulates the shoulders and biceps because of the pulling motion involved. You need to combine the Hummer power rack with barbell plates. This move can only be done with free weights, but it's far more effective at stimulating multiple back muscles than the exercises above.


The deadlift is a top movement that can increase strength and trunk stability, improving your ability in any strength movement. . At the end of the deadlift, you can feel the force exerted on your entire back (an overhand grip is more suitable).

Bent-Over Barbell Row

An overhand grip makes the bent-over row more like a deadlift. Correct form is to bend your knees and lift your chest, but lower your torso to an angle below 45 degrees (around 30 degrees is best). Choose a weight that allows you to pull the bar up to your midsection. It will stimulate your latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, trapezius, etc.

T-bar row

Observe any athlete with perfect back muscles, and you will find that their weapon for building thick backs is the T-bar row. This action activates your middle and lower trapezius, rhomboids, and mid-back better than any other action. It also stimulates the posterior deltoid muscles. No other move comes close to adding thickness to your back.

Pull-ups/Weighted Pull-ups

The oldest and undisputed king of back exercises is the pull-up. Although there are many exercises, the most effective one is bodyweight pull-ups. Of course, it will be even better when paired with weights. Not only does it activate your lats, but it activates every muscle in your back except yourof the torso, when the load is large enough. Pull-ups are the king of all back exercises.