New trick to lift your buttocks: frog hip bridge!

hip The bridge is a great move! This is a simple but very effective exercise for training the hip extensor muscles (butt and hamstrings).

A new way to exercise your buttocks: Frog Glute Bridge!

When it comes to butt exercises, you have to mention the bridge pose! Any girl who wants to achieve a tight, lifted butt will love this move!

It develops our hip extension strength, exercises our gluteal muscles, and makes our buttocks tighter and upturned!

Today I’m going to introduce you to a new style of bridge pose: Frog Bridge Pose!

As shown in the picture: both feet in the starting position Come together and then open your hips (external rotation and abduction), very much like a frog! Then the gluteal muscles contract to extend the hips upward!

The benefits of doing this!

We all know that the best way to get better butt stimulation is to use Full hip extension!

Remember in the previous article we mentioned that when doing bridge pose, try to bring the balls of your feet closer together and spread your hip joints slightly . Allow your hip joints to slightly more externally rotate and abduct.

This is done to shorten the iliopsoas muscle group as much as possible (because in addition to flexing the hip joint, the iliopsoas muscle also externally rotates the hip joint.)

In order to maximize the hip To increase the contraction ability of the major muscles and hip extensor muscles, we need to put the body in a position that shortens the hip flexor muscles as much as possible. Try this simple modification and see if you feel like you're achieving more hip extension.