Nutritional recipes for a professional athlete

After meal 1:

6 egg whites

2 whole eggs

1 serving of vegetables

40G - 60G oatmeal (low or high carbohydrate depending on need)

Meal 2: Pre-exercise

35 grams of carbohydrates in the form of brown rice

3 ounces broccoli

6 ounces chicken (or Türkiye or fish)

Meal 3: Post-exercise

1.5 scoops of whey isolate

1-2 scoops of Vitargo (depending on carbohydrates per day)

Meal 4:

35 - 70 grams of carbohydrates (grains)

1 serving of broccoli

1 chicken or steak

Meal 5:

1 Tuna Salad with Olive Oil

Meal 6:

5 ounces potatoes, chicken or fish

1 serving of broccoli

Muscle Net Tip: The above diet plan is a daily training diet plan for a professional athlete, where 1 ounce = 28 grams.