Calories per 100 grams of longan (dried)

273.00 kcal 64.80g 0.20g 5.00g
Calories Carbohydrates Fat Protein

Detailed introduction:
Longan (dried) is the aril of longan, a plant of the Sapindaceae family. The core of longan (dried) is round and shiny, and its hilum is white, resembling a dragon's eye, so it is also called longan. The skin of longan (dry) is yellow-brown, the flesh is wrinkled and rough, and the taste is sweet and sticky. Longan (dry) is mediumIt is a specialty product from the tropics in southern China. The main producing areas are Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan and other places. Food review:

Made from dehydration of longan, it has extremely high carbohydrate and potassium content and relatively high calories among fruits and vegetables. It can be eaten in small amounts during weight loss.

Nutritional value:

Enriches blood, calms the nerves, lowers blood lipids

Nutrition Encyclopedia:

Nutrition Content (per 100g) Nutrition Content (per 100g)
Calories (kcal) 273.00 Carbohydrates (grams) 64.80
Fat (grams) 0.20 Protein (grams) 5.00
Cellulose (grams) 2.00 Vitamin A (micrograms)
Vitamin C (mg) 12.00 Vitamin E (mg)
Carotene (microgram) Thiamine (mg)
Riboflavin (mg) 0.39 Niacin (mg) 1.30
Cholesterol (mg) Magnesium (mg) 81.00
Calcium (mg) 38.00 Iron (mg) 0.70
Zinc (mg) 0.55 Copper (mg) 1.28
Manganese (mg) 0.30 Potassium (mg) 1348.00
Phosphorus (mg) 206.00 Sodium (mg) 3.30
Selenium (micrograms) 12.40
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